The Third Edition of the Roman Missal
Today marks a significant moment in the life of the Church. With the advent of the Third Edition of the Roman Missal, for the first
time the same translation will be used all over the world. The Church has given us this new translation to help us deepen our understanding of the profound truths contained in the celebration of the Liturgy.
I know it will not be easy for a while, as we have used the last translation for over 40 years. For many of us it is the only translation we have ever known. We will continue to try and help you understand the meaning of each of the new responses with little bulletin articles. Hopefully all of us will be able to grow in our understanding and reverence for the incredible gifts we receive in the celebration of the liturgy.
Advent and Families
Advent is a perfect opportunity for family catechesis and prayer. Many of us remember how during Advent our families would light the Advent Wreath and say special prayers before supper. I will never forget the Advent Calendar which used to hang on our refrigerator door during advent. My brother and I used to fight to see who would get to open the little door to remind ourselves that we were one day closer to Christmas.
One year, I when I was in Kindergarten, I just could not wait anymore and opened up the whole calendar in the hope that Baby Jesus and Christmas would come sooner. Needless to say, it didn’t work. This year we mailed an Advent Calendar and some suggestions for family Advent prayers to every family in our Parish who has a Child in Pre-K to 3rd Grade. If you didn’t get one and you have children who are third grade and below, you can stop by the Parish Office and pick one up. Best wishes for a happy and holy Advent. O Come O Come Emanuel.
Portae Coeli
I want to thank our donors, and congratulate Mr. Robert Fisher, the artisan wood worker, on the beautiful doors that have
been installed on the Alling Street entrance to the Old church. Some of you might have noticed them last week. They are beautiful and through them many will pass seeking the comfort and grace only Our Lord can give. These doors will certainly be for many the “gate to heaven”. A heart felt Thank you to all.
Mom’s Visit
My Mom has certainly enjoyed her visit here at St. Paul’s. I want to thank everyone for the warm welcome she always receives when she comes to Kensington. She really enjoyed the new guestroom and bath on the first floor of the friary. God bless youall for your warm welcome.
Fr. Robert