We Are Pro-Life
Our Pro-Life Committee is, once again, preparing our Pro-Life witness. As usual, it will involve a presence with other Archdiocesan Pro-Life Ministries, Eucharistic Adoration on October 20 and 21, a collection of useful items for expectant mothers and some pro-life information in the bulletin and in our church lobbies. I am very grateful to everyone who takes the time to be very involved in this very important witness.
Capital Campaign - OCT 1
We are so grateful. A couple of people have requested 3 of our large memorials in our Capital Campaign. I will post the list of memorials on the Web at campaign.stpaulkensington.org and it will also be available in your packet. Don’t forget our first informational meeting is on October 1st in the gym. Hope to see you there.
Bless our Pets
Hope to see you guys at our annual blessing of the animals Oct 5th. We will begin promptly at 10:00 AM. One thing is for sure - the people of our town love their pets. This event is always well attended. See you there!
Religious Ed is Starting Up - Registrations are Closed
As you can tell from our parking lots in the evening, our huge Religious Education Program is starting up. We met with both the 9th Grade and 10th Grade Confirmation students last week and the first class went really well. I am especially grateful to our 9th Grade students who attended and will continue to attend the 10:30 AM Mass with their teachers. They were very well behaved. We have been trying to get everyone registered since last May. There have been several e-mails, web announcements, pulpit announcements, signs along Farmington Avenue and Main Street, even letters to people who had not yet registered. The only thing I didn’t do was stand on the top of the bell tower and scream “Register your kids for Religious Ed!” Because the classes are already set, we can no longer accept any registrations. If you were unable to register your child these last several months, don’t worry, they can just pick up where they left off next year.
We all should be very grateful to the staff of the Religious Education Office and all the teachers and volunteers that make our program such a huge success. I assure you for many it is a labor of love.
New Parent Meeting
Several of our new school families came together in the Church Hall last week to get to know one another and learn more about St. Paul School. As I’ve told you before, while grade 1 and Kindergarten are a little light in enrollment, our Middle School and Pre-K Program are packed. Everyone I spoke to was very happy with how things were going in our little school. A special thank you to Ellen Bertolami and the Parent Ambassadors who made the evening such a success. If you know of anyone who might be interested in sending their children or grandchildren to our school, please encourage them to come and see for themselves. To set up an appointment, just call our school (860) 828-4343 and ask for the Admissions Office.