Parish Lenten Mission
This week we will be having our Parish Mission on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. It will begin at 7:00 PM with Eucharistic Adoration, and after 10 minutes or so of private prayer, Sean Forrest will speak. On Wednesday night his topic will be “Why follow Jesus?” On Thursday he will answer the question “Why belong to the Catholic Church?” Both of these are pretty important questions, and while most of us already know the answer for ourselves, I am sure that Sean’s presentations will help us bring the good news to others. I hope we have a big turn out. I am sure it will be worth your while. After Sean’s talk and Benediction, there will be “coffee and” in the Church Hall and the possibility of confessions. Sean Forrest also did this year’s 10th grade Confirmation Retreat. It was an incredible success, and this Sunday some of our High School students who attended the Confirmation Retreat will be speaking after communion to try and convince you to attend the Parish Mission. What parish has kids in High School who really want to encourage its parishioners to attend the Parish Mission? St. Paul Parish is really blessed indeed.
Show me the Money..
Yep, this weekend I am going to show you the money. We have no secrets. What you see is what you have. In a nut shell, last year we made a lot of improvements, we have the money for the leaking school roof and we have more money in the bank. “Where is all of this good news coming from?” you ask. It’s coming from you. The average annual contribution went up over $20.00 this year and we have more givers. Our parish has welcomed 151 new families and when you study the contribution reports, most of our new families are very generous with their stewardship.
Mark your calendar
The Knights of Columbus are going to be running an Irish Dinner on Saturday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day). All proceeds from the dinner will go toward purchasing new chairs for the Church Hall and School Gym. We hope to purchase more efficient carts to store the new chairs. I am sure the food will be great. Please plan on supporting this important initiative. The Knights will also be sponsoring a blood drive this month.
March’s Edition Epistle instructional letter
Our Epistle will be sent out the week of March 4th. We are delaying a week, as we just sent out the Lenten Devotion email and we don’t want to spam you. Your kind words about the Epistle Online and your suggestions are most appreciated. We are still looking for a volunteer(s) to help Patty LaVette, our Communications Director and Web Master with the Epistle Online.