Eucharistic Adoration
As you all know, it has been our practice to have Eucharistic Adoration every 1st Friday from 12:00 PM until 5:00 PM. For awhile now, attendance has been slipping and fewer and fewer people have signed up to spend some time during adoration, so I have decided to suspend Eucharistic Adoration on 1st Fridays and work with the other members of the Pastoral Staff to come up with a better plan for Eucharistic Adoration in our Parish. I promise to keep you posted; and if you have any thoughts on the matter, please don’t hesitate to let me know. I assure you that Eucharistic Adoration will have a place in the life of our parish. We just have to find the right time.
Our End of the Year Appeal
Once again, our End of the Year Appeal has been mailed out, and I want to thank everyone who is participating. We are just under halfway to our goal. If you haven’t already, please consider helping us make our parish more safe and secure by contributing to the End of the Year Appeal.
I was Surprised and Moved
The other day around 8:00 PM I had to run over to get something from the church. When I walked in, I was surprised to see that some of the lights were on low, and I was even more surprised to find 20 of our High School students sitting on the floor of the sanctuary praying together. It was such a beautiful sight. Of course, it finally dawned on me that our new youth group meets with Sal Biase on Monday nights. Parents, please keep your eyes on the calendar. Our Middle School Youth Group is starting in early January. One of our most important obligations as a parish is to share the light of our faith with those who will follow us.
Our Prayer Shawl Ministry
I’m not sure if you are aware, but there is a group of very dedicated women who gather regularly in our Parish Center and knit prayer shawls for people. I always enjoy stopping in and chatting with them and their ministry gives great comfort to those who are literally surrounded by the work of their hands and blessed by their holy prayers. I know first hand that my Mom loves her Prayer Shawl. Thank you Ladies for your beautiful Ministry. St. Paul Church has a lot of beautiful ministries, and I hope to call your attention to each of them as time goes on.
Please help us…
While things should be a little easier with our new missalettes, please help us by placing your missalette in the book holders or at the end of the pews after each Mass. Every Sunday afternoon a very dedicated member of our parish goes through the whole church and cleans up. Sometimes it takes her over an hour. We could radically reduce her effort if everyone simply picked up after themselves.