I have been touched by all the emails, calls and texts of support. After Church last week, not one person spoke to me in a negative way. Everyone was kind and respectful. We were all sad. Many people told me they wanted to support me and our parish and just as many were concerned about Fr. Michael. I tried to tell him that, but right now I don't believe he is in a place to be able to understand or believe that. Almost everyone who spoke was grateful that we came forward and didn't try to hide anything.
I want to write on one comment I received this week. The person wrote something like this: "Fr. Robert, Fr. Michael’s homilies always helped me. I was happy when he ran in at the last moment or walked out into the sanctuary, not only because he said the shortest Mass, but also because I looked forward to hearing his words. He had a way of relating the Gospel to my life." The person went on to ask, “Was God working through him even with his faults and failings? Was it all real or was it all fake?” I can understand the question completely. With all that has happened it would be easy to question Fr. Michael and the ministry he has shared in the past.
I assure you the good homilies you heard were good homilies and the good counsel you felt you received was indeed good counsel. Rest assured the sins which Fr. Michael forgave are indeed forgiven and Jesus was present in the bread and wine which Fr. Michael consecrated at the altar. God can and does use broken vessels to pour out his grace on those he loves.
All of us are broken. All of us have sinned. I am sure that God used Fr. Michael over and over again to help people despite any problems he might have had. There were many moments in my life when Fr. Michael helped me. He has this ability to completely disarm a person with a wise crack or a smile. Sometimes I would be so mad at him and before I knew it we would be laughing. Fr. Michael's ministry was not fake, it was real, very real, and God touched many through him.
I would go so far as to say that no matter what, God will continue to use Fr. Michael. God will use him until his last breath like he uses all of us with all of our faults and failings. That realization has always been a great comfort to me. God can use me with all my imperfections.
If God needed perfect priests or a perfect Church to share his love and his sacraments, they would never be shared. The Jesus prayer “Jesus my brother have mercy on me a sinner” is one of my favorites and I've prayed it countless times. This passage from St. Paul says it best.
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus. 6 For God who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," has shone in our hearts to bring to light the knowledge of the glory of God on the face of (Jesus) Christ. 7 But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us.
”2 Cor.4:5-7
As I read someplace....”We hold the “treasure” of the Gospel in the “earthen vessels” of our lives.” Christ can even use “cracked pots” like us to carry his life giving water.” I hope this helps.
PS...Sometimes when it rains it pours...
On top of everything else this week, when I went into Church on Monday I noticed it was rather warm. When I looked out the window I saw that only 1/2 of our air conditioning unit was working. On further inspection we have been told that the main condenser for the "new" church is shot. It will cost between $8000 and $9000 to replace. I am writing this on Tuesday and we are trying to get everything working by Saturday night.They will need a crane to remove the old one and replace it. If you are comfortable sitting in Church as you read this you can thank Link Mechanical for their help in getting everything working again... If you are hot and uncomfortable please know that we tried really hard to get everything ready but were unable to do so.