Come spend a little time with us and help your child create a family keepsake. Join the Family Life Committee following the 9 & 10:30 AM Masses. Please let us know you will be attending so we can plan for the fun! RSVP to [email protected].
Please take an Angel from the tree the weekend of Dec. 1-2nd. Attach the Angel to the outside of your purchased gift (remember, not all gifts need to be wrapped) and place the gift back under the tree by Sun., Dec. 16th, to ensure delivery to the recipients at Ledgecrest, Klingberg Family Center and other local organizations.
SUN., DEC. 2nd, 9th and 16th ~ BUILD UP FAITH Adult faith formation ministry
Fr. Peter will present a different topic each night at 7:00 PM in the parish hall. No need to register... just show up! Attend any or all of the seminars whenever you are able. Each evening will include a presentation, a Q & A session and time to socialize. Questions? Contact Fr. Peter at [email protected] or (860) 828-0331 ext: 120.
The Vigil is on Fri., Dec. 7th at 5:00 PM. Mass on Sat., Dec. 8th, is at 9:00 AM.
The Knights of Columbus are hosting breakfast from 8 AM - Noon in the Saint Paul School gym. Admission is $6 for adults and $3 for children ages 5-10. Children under age 5 eat free. Advanced tickets may be purchased at a $1 discount per ticket by contacting Terry Lescoe at [email protected] or (860) 828-9285 or Ray Kalentkowski at (860) 828-8248.
Please join the staff and students for their annual Christmas performance in the school gym on Fri., Dec. 14th,
at 1:15 PM.
The St. Paul Adult Choir and our Youth Choir Exultations! will lead the congregation in the singing of Christmas favorites at 5:00 PM in old wing of the church. Scripture readings will punctuate the songs.
Mon., Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve: 4, 6, & 10PM Tues., Dec. 25th, Christmas Day: 9, 10:30 & 12PM
Let us Prepare Well for the Lord is Coming...