ALL PARISHIONERS can bid whether you are attending Italian Night or Not!
We have auction items for Italian Night. Proceeds help people in our community that need our church's assistance. Please call Anne Reilly, 860-829-0260 with your bids by Friday, November 4. Get started on your Christmas Shopping! Here are some of them:
Gift Basket: Donor: Norpaco Value $200 Minimum bid: $100
Blue Fox Run Golf Course: Golf for 4 with carts, Mon-Thurs.
Donor: Lisa Wilson-Foley Value: $200 Minimum bid $100
$100 Gift Certficate to Apple Rehab & Spa (Avon)-Facials,
pedis, manis, etc. Donor: Lisa Wilson-Foley Minimum Bid: $50
New Hampshire Weekend: Donated by Chris and Doug Arose
Minimum Bid : $175 Value: $500
Original Painting by Jim Diele - Minimum Bid: $300
La famiglia di San Paulo presente Una Serata a Roma The Saint Paul's Family presents A Night in Rome
The Italian Dinner at St Paul's is Saturday, November 5. Thanks to the goodness of our parish family, all tickets are sold. Just a few reminders to those attending:
Doors open at 5 PM. BYOB - water, ice and coffee provided.. Raffle, 50/50 raffle and auction items are available to bid on.
Italian Cookies Drop Off Information
If you volunteered to make Italian cookies for the Italian Night, please drop them off this Thursday or Friday, November 3 or 4 (but no later than noon on Friday) to the church basement. The trays will be prepared Friday afternoon. Many thanks for your help in making the evening a success!