A note from the Social Action Ministry:
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, is what we heard from the home owner recipients of this year’s HOME FRONT projects. Yes PROJECT S. We were able to help out two homes this year because of the wonderful volunteers that St. Paul Church has been blessed with. And we say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, and THANK YOU, to all the multi-talented volunteers who worked so hard with a spirit of giving and love for others who needed some assistance.
Thank you to Fr. Robert and Pastor Chris from Bethany Covenant Church, for starting the day off with a prayer, twice no less. Each team started their work day with a special prayer for the team and the project. How nice is that? One team was even blessed by hearing the church bells ring after each First Communion Mass. That is how close one team was to St. Paul Church.
We would also like to thank the volunteers from Bethany Covenant Church in East Berlin who joined our team for the first time. What a wonderful group to work with.
Lastly, we could not take on such large projects if not for the professional assistance from our local contractors; Michael J. Nadeau Company, All Phase Construction (Ken Rich), Dave Slimskey, Build and Design Construction (Mike Zabrensky), and Freeland Brothers. Others this year for the first time included; Martin Gerndt, and Randall Klussendorf.
This is just one of the many blessings that we receive from the different works that we do for others in our community, bringing the Gospel to Life and Life to the Gospel. Thank you is not enough for all of your support and works, but then again you do this for others not for yourselves.