Join us here at St. Paul Church for the
2016 Fall Lecture Series 'TEACH'
Transforming & Expanding
Adult Catholic Horizons
Various ministries in our parish have suggested the following topics for informational, discussion-based sessions as our response to the call for a New Evangelization. Each session will be 90 minutes long (7:00-8:30 PM) with refreshments and fellowship.
September 21 – Connecting with God’s Word
Through scripture, we are led to an encounter with God who speaks to us through the pages of the inspired text, inviting from us a personal response and a gradual transformation of life.
October 12 – Why be Catholic?
Today, the Catholic Church is misunderstood in many areas of society. Like a family, the Catholic Church is not perfect, but it was created by a perfect God. The church encourages, teaches, and builds one another up in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
October 19 – Catholic Essentials
Join us as we examine Catholic doctrine and traditions to deepen our understanding of the Catholic faith and how its practice can transform our lives.
November 9 – The Meaning of Suffering and God’s Love
If God is all-powerful and truly seeks our good, then why does he allow suffering? Explore and learn what the Catholic Church says about the meaning of suffering.
November 30 – Our Prayer Life
Kick off the Advent season with a revitalized view of prayer that can lead you to the Nativity of our Lord.
For more information please contact Bud Volz 860-681-8355 or [email protected]