1536 Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to his apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate, and diaconate. -Catechism of the Catholic Church 1536
"The idea of vocation is central to the Christian belief that God has created each person with gifts and talents oriented toward specific purposes and a way of life."
To learn more about the Conventual Franciscan Friars who serve here at St. Paul Church
and who belong to the Our Lady of the Angels Franciscan Province,
call the Parish Office at 860-828-0331 or contact one of our Friars:
Fr. Joe
[email protected]
Fr. Michael
[email protected]
Fr. Peter
[email protected]
Fr. Raymond
[email protected]
You may also contact Br. Nicholas Romeo, OFM Conv.,
Vocations Director at Franciscan Friars Conventual, at
[email protected]
To find out more about religious vocations visit the USCCB- Holy Orders webpage or the Archdiocese of Hartford Office of Vocations.
Click here to learn more about the Diaconate (becoming a Deacon), or contact
Deacon Carmen at [email protected]
or Deacon Don at [email protected]