Religious Education The regular “school year” of our Religious Education Program has come to an end. I have to say, we really have an exceptional program, one of the biggest in the state. All that remains is for our children in the Third Grade to receive their First Holy Communion. I want to thank everyone who is involved in our Religious Education Program from the bottom of my heart. Your sacrifices help us preach the Gospel to the children of the parish. Yours is indeed a noble and important task. I don't know what we would do without you, and I am sure the Lord will bless you for your sacrifices. Have you been thinking about getting involved in our Religious Education Program? We hope you do. I just thought I would put in an early plug for more Religious Education Teachers. They are like good friends, you can never seem to have enough of them.
Our Liturgical & Music Ministers and Decorating Committee
The Triduum was celebrated so well here at St. Paul this year. Many people have commented on how beautiful the Church looks and how nice the music sounded. All of this takes a lot of work, planning, meetings and sacrifice. Fr. Raymond and his crew have been planning our Easter Decorations for a long time and as usual, they did a beautiful job. I also want to thank our musicians and liturgical ministers for all that they have done to help us to pray during these most holy days.
Ministry to our Seniors and Sick
During Holy Week, our Eucharistic Ministers made an extra effort to visit all of our home-bound to make sure they received communion and some beautiful palm crosses. There are always lots of things to do during Holy Week. I am grateful to everyone who took time to visit our seniors citizens at home.Those on the First Friday call list also received Easter lilies from you (our parish). I want you to know that many of our home-bound have told me that they would give anything to be in Church for Mass or simply even be able to walk in and say a few prayers. They miss the parish and our Church so much. Their desire to be here should remind us all of what a blessing it is to attend mass and pray with the parish.
Don't Forget…
Next weekend we will have our First Annual Spring Cleaning Tag Sale. I assure you there will be lots of great things to be had at very reasonable prices. We've been doing a lot of cleaning in the Friary. The committee is also renting tables to vendors. On Sunday, it is our hope that people will stop over after Mass and check out what treasures they might find. SEE THE BULLETIN INSERT for more information.
My Mom
I was blessed to have my Mom visit me and the parish for Holy Week. I am always so moved by how welcome people make her feel when she comes. Thank you for your “Kensington/Berlin Hospitality”.