ATTENTION College Students
Welcome Home !!!
I bet you just want to get home to sleep for a couple of days and
get some of your Mother’s or Grandmother’s cooking. Just a reminder;
we are going to have a dinner for you on January 5th at
6:30 PM in the Church Hall. The friars are looking forward to seeing
you and it will also give you a chance to see each other and
enjoy some good food. Please mark your calendars, or better yet,
add it to your smart phone and text all of your friends from the
parish. If you can attend please email me (Fr. Robert) at
[email protected] so we know how much food to
m ake….Can’t wait to see you. Welcome home again !!!
Whew, we found them!
People have been asking for the Christmas Wafers for two weeks.
We looked high and low, called the company, dug up the canceled
check, and no wafers. Finally, yesterday we found them in the
flower room in the Church Hall. If you want Christmas Wafers,
you can get them at the Church entrance between the new and
old wing. Please take only as many as you need so that everyone
who wants them can get them. You can leave any offering you
want in one of the candle slots or in the basket by the Wafers.
Angels we have heard on high
The Christmas Concert sing along was a wonderful success. I was
very pleased with the number of parishioners who came to church
to prepare for the coming of our Lord. The Children’s choir, under
the Direction of Diane Roncaioli, was wonderful and sang like angels.
The adult choir also performed well. I see the beginning of a
vibrant music ministry here at St. Paul. Heartfelt gratitude to all
who attended and performed.
Wrap until you drop...
On Monday, the Family Life Committee will have its first event. It’s
a parents night out to get an important Christmas task out of the
way. I hate wrapping and I’m not good at it, but I bet the company
of good friends makes it less painful and maybe even fun. I know
it sounds like a lot of work dragging everything to church, but the
people organizing this event assure me that it really works
well. Hope to see you there.
Thank you for the emails.
Keep them coming, enough said... !!!
You just never know...
The other night I spent some time before the Blessed Sacrament
with some of our 5th Graders in the Religious Ed Program. All
right, I admit it. I was nervous. I wasn’t sure they would understand
or behave in Church and worried all day about how it would
go. I have to tell you, they were so very well behaved and enthralled
by the presence of our Lord in the Monstrance. They actually
sat quietly in prayer for almost 15 minutes. We finished with
some heartfelt prayers of petitions. It was very moving for me to
see how open they were to Eucharistic Adoration. We have great
kids, we have really great kids... did I mention that we have great
kids ?
New Faces..
I am sure you are as happy and grateful as I am about the number
of new families joining our parish. I want to thank the Pastoral Council
for this very important work. It certainly is bearing fruit. We put the pictures in
the bulletin so that you can recognize them and warmly greet them as they
come join our parish.
Keep your Eyes posted on those inboxes
Our annual Christmas video greeting will be coming your way with
the Christmas Schedule sometime this week in an email.
Thank you!
The Fundit sales went up dramatically last week. I thank you and
the kids of the parish thank you. The End of the Year Appeal
jumped from $5,892 to $17,327, (from 157 families) or almost 22%
in one week. We have a long way to go before our goal is
reached to replace that leaky roof...but we have a good start.
God Bless!