For our Families - Play Date Success
Our first St. Paul Play Date was a wonderful success. At one point there were over 25 kids playing in the Church Hall. Both Moms and Grandparents attended. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I want to thank the people who donated all of the toys; the kids were certainly excited to play with them.
For our Families - Parents’ Night Out
As I write this there are almost 60 children signed up for our very first Parent’s Night Out on Friday. The committee is working very hard to make sure that our kids have fun and are properly supervised. It is our hope to provide more nights like this for our many young families.
Where’s the cancelled check?
Last week more than one family told me, “Thanks for the thank you note Fr. Robert, but please cash the check.” We are in the process of changing banks and, because of that, we had to hold on to the End of the Year Appeal Checks a little longer than we would normally do. I assure you as I write this, all of the appeal checks are in the bank. Thank you so much for your generosity. As you can see, we keep inching toward our goal. Last week we received a couple of large contributions from some school families who are registered in other parishes. We are almost there; and as soon as spring comes, we hope to begin work on the roof replacement.
The Epistle Online
Thank you so much for your kind and enthusiastic words about our parish email newsletter. According to our email marketing company, we have an email open rate almost 3 times the national average for religious institutions. Lots of people told us that they spent some time going over the newsletter and exploring the links. If you have any ideas about the Epistle-Online, please don’t hesitate to let us know and thanks again for your kind words.
Online Giving Update
Around 60 Families have signed up for online giving so far and we hope that as time goes on more and more will choose to do so. Right now we have been up and running only one week and around $600 is being regularly added to our Offertory and another $375 is being given to the Second Collections listed each week. If you have any questions about Online Giving, simply give us a call. You can also go to our parish website ( and click on the online giving logo to sign up for online giving. Thanks in advance.
St. Paul School Signs
Diane and I bought the School signs at and I am happy to see them sprouting up all over town. If there are any left, I will leave them by the Sacristy door. Please take a couple and help us get the good word out about our Parish School.
Don’t forget the Parish Mission
Our Lenten Parish Mission is coming up February 29th and March 1st. The themes are “Why Jesus and why Catholic?” Sean Forrest, the speaker who gave our 10th Grade Confirmation Retreat, will be giving the talks. You won’t be disappointed. Our kids weren’t, and they are a much tougher crowd than you.