A Good Life Lesson - Thank You
A couple of weeks ago, our sign on Farmington Avenue announcing the school’s Open House disappeared. We were about to buy another one ($300) when the missing sign re-appeared in front of the main school doors. The school security cameras showed a Mom and a young boy returning the sign. (Don’t worry, we don’t know who you are and we are not looking for you.) All I want to do is thank you or thank the family for returning the sign. If you simply found it and returned it, thanks. If you were involved in taking it and decided to return it, thanks. If the sign was returned because Mom or Dad found it at their home and made their child return it, double thanks. When something like this happens, a parent has a wonderful opportunity to teach a life lesson. Thank goodness that (Kensington / Berlin) is a town where parents are still willing to teach those life lessons.
Online Giving
We just reached 75 givers in our Online Giving Program. They tell me that’s really good for the short time that we have been participating. As you can see in the bulletin, almost $1000 comes in through the program each week. I have been very happy that we have been able to implement this program with very few hiccups. You may have noticed that there is now a check box on the envelopes which says “I gave online”. If you wish you can check that off and throw it in the collection basket. If you are participating in our online giving and want to help us save some money by not receiving envelopes anymore, please call or email the office at [email protected] and let us know. Online givers, the new envelope packets have been sent out and the giving opportunities (Second Collections) are listed on the online giving site. Please go online and see if there are any second collections you would like to help with.
The Epistle Online
The Epistle-Online should be out early next week. Please let us know what you think, how we can improve it, and if you’d like to help. Two people have already volunteered and we will be in contact shortly.
A Meeting with Mr. Hoyt
This week I met with the Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Hartford. He and the Assistant Superintendent of Schools toured our school. He was very impressed with the changes that have been made in our school this year and he was as impressed as we are with the fine work of Laurie Piecewicz, our new Principal. By the way, did I tell you that our own parishioner and St. Paul School Graduate, Bethany Perzanowski was unanimously chosen by the search committee to be our new middle school science teacher? She really impressed everyone in the interview process. The kids love her and she is doing an excellent job. Please keep our kids and our school in your prayers this whole week, as they are taking the Iowa Basic Skills Inventory. These assessments help us understand how we are doing at St. Paul’s, provide us with a national benchmark in each of the subject areas, and help us adjust our program to the academic needs of our students.
Slow but sure
Last week I was away for two days, and while I was gone, a veritable avalanche of email and phone messages were left. If I have not responded, be assured I have not forgotten you. Right now I have 264 emails in my inbox and I promise I will read and respond to people as needed. Email is a great way to communicate, but in a parish this size it piles up quickly.