I’m still basking in the glow of our Ordination Weekend. It was beautiful and the effort of 137 volunteers /staff from our parish was exceptional. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Anyone who can turn our gym into the Aqua Turf are miracle workers indeed.
You know one of the friars came up to me after the ordination and pulled me aside. He said, “Robert when I was driving to St. Paul’s I was nervous. I wasn’t sure if the media would be here. Given what has happened, I wasn’t sure how the people would respond to us and I was afraid the Church would be empty. When I walked into that church and saw the crowd, I was moved to tears. I am so touched at what has happened here it was beyond my wildest expectation.”
I told him that I completely understood why he might feel that way. There were many moments a year ago July when I felt the same way. We have cried our tears and we have prayed our hearts out and we have all reflected on how broken our humanity can be, but St. Paul’s is still a wonderful, generous, close knit growing parish, filled with lots of hope and excitement. There is so much good here, case in point this weekend’s celebration.
The School year is starting and our enrollment is up just a little, but it is still up. Every kid counts. Religious Education classes are filling up (and yes we need more teachers). Our new Youth Minister is all about getting started. The Parish Staff just went on retreat and came up with some great goals for the coming year. The Pastoral Council, Finance Council and School Board just met to dream about future possibilities for our parish. There is a small group “Scripture Study” being formed and the Family Life Committee has some great things in the works. You know me, I could go on and on... but to sum it all up, the words that come to my mind when I think of our parish are hope and expectation.
I have to go to Buffalo this week and next to take care of my Mom. She is moving into her apartment next Wednesday; and while she says she is ready to go, it will not be easy for any of us. We just sold the house so there are lots of things to do. I will see you for the parish picnic.