We do a lot, but we need to do more.
We’ve had a lot of sick to visit this week. In fact, as I write this, I’m still trying to see everyone who needs a visit. Fr. Peter is up at the Hospital right now and our list is long. The friars try to visit New Britain General Hospital, aka the Hospital of Central Connecticut, two times a week. We go to Ledgecrest every week to visit and celebrate Mass for the residents. If you or a loved one is in the hospital, please let them know that you belong to St. Paul Church in Kensington and call the Parish Office to be sure that we know. I am always very sad when we are in the hospital and walk right by the room of one of our parishioners because no one told us they were there.
We have a number of parishioners visiting the homebound who request a visit every week. Last week 41 sick and homebound + Ledgecrest + some residents in Jerome Home were visited by members of our parish and received communion. Even with all of this, I am convinced we need to do more. Last week an event with one of our seniors in our parish proved to me that we have to begin to develop a pro-active ministry for our Homebound and Seniors beyond just a visit from a Eucharistic Minister. There are many in our parish who have no one to help them. Please see the insert in the bulletin and express your interest in becoming involved in an outreach to our parishioners who need us.
Religious Education
Religious Education classes have started again this year. We are privileged to have almost 1,000 children in our program. What a blessing! Parents, you are the primary educators of your children. They learn so much from you. Sometimes they even pick up things from you that you wish they never learned. Teaching by example is the best possible way to bring a person to faith. I know you are busy, but don’t expect your children, especially those in the Confirmation Program, to want to attend Mass if you don’t lead by example. Thanks for registering your child for Religious Education and thanks for attending Mass on Sunday.
The Family that Eats & Prays Together - Stays Together
Our Family Life Committee is running a contest to promote common meals in our families. Studies tell us that meals shared by families serve a great benefit. Please take the time to take a picture of your family sharing a meal and send it to [email protected] and your family will be entered into a drawing for $50 to go out and have a special meal together. Your picture may even be printed in the bulletin.
Thanks Family Life Committee for a Great Night
Everyone young, middle aged and old who attended the “St Paul Under the Stars” were thrilled with the event and so were the friars. FLC, keep up the great work.
Blessing of the Animals, October 6th at 10 AM
Don’t forget, we will be happy to bless your pets next Saturday. Every year this event seems to grow bigger. Hope to see you there to pray for your pets and give thanks to God for them.
St. Paul’s is Your Parish
A couple of weeks ago a red Time and Talent Survey was included in our bulletins. If you lost it, you can download a new one from our website http://stpaulkensington.org. This survey gives everyone a chance to express their interest and get involved in the important ministries of our Parish. There are over 11,000 people registered in our parish, and 1300 flyers were distributed in the bulletin. So far we have received 10 back. We will wait a couple of weeks and then enter whatever data we have into the Parish Census. Once this task is accomplished, the leaders of each ministry will receive a list and contact anyone who wants to get involved in the life of our parish. Stop, Pray, Think and share your gifts... turn in your time and talent survey next week in the collection basket or drop off anytime at the Parish Center.