Safety First Safety Always
As many of you know, this year’s End of the Year Appeal recently arrived in your maibox. If it hasn’t, let me assure you it will shortly. This year we need to concentrate our efforts entirely on our Church and Parish Center. As the letter says, we need to install a fire alarm in the Church, one that is connected to a monitoring station and is up to code. Right now our church and all of us who pray here are not protected by an up to date fire alarm. The only area really protected is the small vestibule by the elevator. We also need to provide a little more security for our Church and Parish Center. We are lucky to be able to leave our church unlocked most of the day, but added security, especially when the priests are locking up in the evening, is important. Finally, we also hope to replace some doors both in the Parish Center and Church. Ever since the break in attempt last summer, the Parish Center has been secured only by a padlock. I know you will be as generous as you can. If you have any questions feel free to let me know.
St. Rose School
I was so touched and gratified by the response of our community to the disaster that struck St. Rose School in Belmar, NJ. Without any advance notice, our parish and school donated $10,070. Last week Sal went home for the first time and told me that even weeks after the storm the devastation is shocking to see. In Belmar, as I write this column, the Church, elementary school and the High School are still without electricity and heat . The grammar school is having classes with their coats on and a few flood lights powered by generators. Thank you so much for your generosity. The people in Belmar were so grateful. Sal has promised us some pictures and an update for our next bulletin.
Thanksgiving Surplus
Once again our parishioners provided over 30 families with thanksgiving dinner. Our local social service agencies are so grateful for this yearly collection of food. It is really a site to see when the volunteers load up the thanksgiving bags for distribution.
Nothing is wasted. Everything left over is taken to a local food bank or given to the social service department in the Berlin Town Hall.
We Passed with Praise
Last week our insurance company, Catholic Mutual, did and risk assessment and inspection of our property. They always find something, you may notice some of the stairs in our school have a yellow strip. However, the report we received was glowing. They were very pleased at the condition of our physical plant. If you see Bill or Alex, our maintenance men, please be sure to thank them for all of their hard work. It certainly was apparent to the inspectors from Catholic Mutual.
What are Fundits and why do you like them so much Fr. Robert?
Fundits are like gift cards. Here’s how they work. You want to buy $20 worth of groceries from Roger’s or Stop and Shop. You buy a $20 fundit card in our School, Parish Center or after Mass as posted below. You use the fundit card like cash, and depending on the store in which you make your purchases, the young people of St. Paul Church (School and Youth Ministry) are given a small percentage of your purchase. When lots of people use fundits, we make lots of money at no cost to you or us. The stores get more customers, you make your normal purchases at normal prices and the young people of our parish benefit. You gotta love fundits..
Hot or Cold....
Not one person complained about being hot or cold this week... Hurray !!!