My Mom says thanks and so do I
As always, my Mom was so moved by the good people here at St. Paul’s. So many people stopped and talked to her . She told me that she is often embarrassed because she can’t remember everyone’s name. I am most appreciative of your kindness and the care you show to her. From the bottom of my heart thank you.
The Helping Hands
The Helping Hands Committee is moving forward. Anyone 80 or over should expect a letter in the mail this week. If you don’t receive one, please call the Office at 860-828-0331 and let us know. In the envelope will be a letter explaining what the Helping Hands Ministry hopes to accomplish. There will also be a form which we hope all of our seniors will fill out and return to the office. You can mail it to the Parish Center, drop it off in the mail slot of the Parish Center or put it in the collection basket at Mass - whatever is most convenient for you. The Helping Hands Committee will use your responses to plan for the future. Thanks in advance for your prompt response.
As you know that End of the Year Appeal is in the mail
Many people have already responded. As was our practice last year, we will list the names of all contributors in the bulletin and keep you up to date with a running total. “Safety First and Safety Always” is a great motto. Please help us keep everyone who attends St. Paul Church safe by contributing to the End of the Year Appeal.
Advent 2012
This week there should be an email and an insert in the bulletin listing all the important dates for Advent 2012. Why not try to make this Advent special. Please post the insert on your refrigerator so that you can remember what’s going on in your parish.
The Bed Fairy
When I go home I am always amazed at the work of the bed fairy. When I get up in the morning and go to take my shower, somehow I always find my bed made when I come out. Let me assure you I am not used to having someone make my bed and there is no bed fairy at St. Paul’s. But, we do have a Mass Card Fairy. For the last couple of weeks someone has been collecting all of the new Mass cards from the pews and placing them at the church entrances. Then people complain to me that there are no Mass cards so we put them back in the pews only to have them be collected and put back by the door. This has happened several times. Dear Mass Card Fairy, whoever you are, I appreciate your efforts but please leave the mass cards in the pews... Thanks a million.
College Care Package Update.
We have received so many thank yous from the recipients of our college care packages this year. One young man even sent a picture taken from the roof of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Our college kids really enjoy receiving these packages. It is just one more way that our parish can be present to them. Once again, a special thank you to everyone who made this project such a success and a special Thank You to the Ryan Lee Foundation for funding the shipping of the packages this year.
Wow is all I can say when I think of the number of parishioners who participated in the small group bible studies. Just over 70 people participated in the 1st session, which is a great start for this important new ministry in our parish. Thank you one and all.
Presented by Fr. Peter, each night there will be a different topic. You do not need to register for this seminar… just show up on Sunday December 2nd, 9th, and 16th at 7 PM in the church hall. Life can be busy, so you are welcome to attend any or all of the seminars whenever you are able. Fr. Peter’s blog: