Spring is here...
And with Spring, comes First Communions and Confirmations. Here at St. Paul we have so many kids receiving these sacraments that we have to have 3 First Communions and 2 Confirmations. The First Communion ceremonies were wonderful last week. Our church was filled with beautiful families, here to support the children they love. A special thank you to everyone who helped to prepare our beautiful little children to receive First Holy Communion for the first time. It was so touching to look into their faces as they received the Eucharist. I want to make sure to thank the Sorrentinos, our parish photographers, who took pictures at both ceremonies. They are great photographers and very generous people giving up three Saturdays to take pictures for the parish. If you are looking for a great photographer please call the parish office and we will be happy to give you their contact information.
I apologize.
I heard from a couple of people that the lavatories were not appropriately clean last weekend. With all that was going on, I guess they got extra use, a lot of extra use! I have spoken with our maintenance staff and we are working to get things that should flush, to flush, and things that should not leak water to stop leaking. I’ve been promised that they will be in much better shape next weekend. Once again, we’re sorry.
Our Middle School on Retreat
Our St. Paul School Middle School students went on retreat this week. Grades 6, 7 & 8 all went to the Holy Family Passionist Monastery for a day of prayer, talks and fun. From what I heard, they really had a good time and came back with a lot more to think about. Thanks to our Youth Minister, Sal Biase, for setting things up. The Staff at Holy Family were very impressed with our kids... (Of course they were!)
Attention Online Givers
Please use the “I gave on line cards” when you come to Mass. You can simply keep them in your car or purse and throw one in when the collection basket comes around. If you need more we will be happy to send them to you.
Let’s see what’s going on.
A couple of weeks ago we installed a test web camera in the Sanctuary. Only the Altar, Ambo and Tabernacle can be seen. The camera is on day and night for security reasons, but you can also look at it from our website. Simply choose Ecommunity from the menu, then choose St. Paul Media. From this link you can watch whatever is going on in Church. Last weekend a Dad who was in the hospital was able to watch his son receive First Holy Communion. God Bless.