Every year we are amazed at the caring and generosity that go into the Advent programs overseen by the Social Action Committee .This years Angel Tree had over 750 Angel gift requests that were thoughtfully purchased and beautifully wrapped. They went to Ledgecrest Convalescent Home, a small Berlin group home, the Hospital of Central Connecticut, the Klingberg Family Center, the Friendship Center and the Friars Mission in Jamaica.
Through the generosity of 20 families in our parish who joined together with Social Action members, the Ladies Guild and St Paul School, we were able to participate in the Adopt a Family program for Friendship Center families to relieve the stress and provide joy to many struggling families this Christmas. The Angel tree gifts along with the Ladies Guild granted wishes to six Berlin children. We should all be proud! Truly we have prepared for the coming of the Christ Child by our love and concern for those less fortunate.
From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for all your continued support of these wonderful programs. To all those who cut angels, bought a gift for the Angel Tree or the Adopt a Family, we thank you. To those who helped bring down the gifts after Mass, we thank you, and to all the elves who sorted, bagged and delivered the gifts we thank you.