Peace and all good things! This month brings about many exciting happenings at Saint Paul School. We began the month with a beautiful blessing of the animals with Father Robert, Father Martin and Friar Peter present as we honored Saint Francis. With a school-wide focus on compassion this month,
I am excited about many of the events we have planned to focus on this important concept, from blanket drives to our walk-a-thon. Stay tuned for more information!
We have many events scheduled throughout the remainder of the month. Please take note of the following:
Oct. 17– 8thgrade to visit East Catholic High School
Oct. 19– Lyman Fundraiser orders due
Oct. 20– NO SCHOOL – Teacher Professional Development
Oct. 26– Walk-a-thon for breast cancer awareness
Oct. 28– Middle School Dance; Raindate for Walk-a-thon
Oct. 31– School Halloween Party (stay tuned for details!);
8thgrade to visit Northwest Catholic High School
Wishing you and your families a beautiful autumn!
Laurie M. Piecewicz
We are looking for substitute teachers for Grades K to 8. If you know of anyone or if you are interested, please call 860-828-4343 or email [email protected] for an application.