Why are Catholic schools different? And why are they so successful?
In these days of educational reform, experts around the country are asking themselves
that very question. Catholic schools impart many gifts and life skills to its students.
A partial list would include:
· The gift of a love for learning
· The gift of high expectations
· The gift of challenge
· The gift of obligation and responsibility
· The gift of self motivation
· The gift of vision for their own futures
All schools are responsible for teaching the assigned curriculum. Catholic schools accomplish
this through their commitment to educating the entire person, both the head and the heart.
When a school creates an atmosphere which is welcoming, motivating and challenging, the result
is that children learn to actually love learning.
The most important gift that Catholic schools can offer is the gift of faith. Ultimately, it is that gift
which distinguishes our schools from the rest and in reality, makes us most successful.
We have a two fold mission that makes us unique. We are committed to teach the children to
love to learn and learn to love.