The Annual Archdiocesan Respect Life Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Leonard P. Blair on Sunday, October 8, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. A highlight of the Mass is the presentation by Archbishop Blair of the Saint Gianna Beretta Molla Medal which is given to persons who have demonstrated commitment to the protection of all human life. This year's awardees are: Cary M. Dupont has been president of St. Paul Catholic High School in Bristol since 2008. An educational leader who is dedicated to youth, Mr. Dupont sponsors students from St. Paul to participate in the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. From 2013-2014, Mr. Dupont was recognized by the Archdiocese of Hartford as the Distinguished Archdiocesan Catholic School Administrator and recipient of the Educational Excellence Award by the National Catholic Educational Association. Mike Ferrara is a devoted volunteer at Saint Gianna's Pregnancy Center in New Haven and has been a member of Saint Mary Church in Branford for over 40 years. He taught Religious Education to the mentally challenged for many years. Presently, he is a lector, altar server and member of El Dorado Council Knights of Columbus as well as, Co-founder of the Pro-Life Committee at Saint Mary in Branford. Reverend Robert Landback is the pastor of Our Lady of Fatima, Yalesville. He has worked for years with the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat Ministry and participates in the March for Life in D.C. He serves as a Board Member of the Saint Gianna Pregnancy Resource Center and is Chaplain of the Courage Ministry for the Archdiocese. Mary Lou Peters has been a devoted advocate for the Pro-Life Ministry in the Archdiocese of Hartford for the past 17 years. She founded the 40 Days for Life campaign for the Archdiocese and continues to promote its mission. She has testified at the Connecticut Legislature on human life issues and serves as a parish pro-life representative at Saint Damien of Molokai in Poquonock (Windsor). Following the presentation of the medals, Archbishop Blair will lead those present in the Cathedral in a pledge to support all human life. When Mass has ended, anyone representing a parish or regional pro-life committee, may go to the front of the Cathedral and receive a blessed candle from the Pro-Life Ministry. _____________ If you have any questions, please call our office. Sister Suzanne Gross, F.S.E. Program Coordinator Pro-Life Ministry Pro-Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford 203-639-0833 | 203-213-5079 sistersuzanne@prolifeministry. |