Blood Drive in memory of Steven Gacek... Blue Mass... First Friday breakfast... Yankee Game... Parish Picnic... Pilgrimage to Shrine of Divine Mercy... Italian Night... lots more!
Golf events will be held on August 6th (Mini-Golf at Safari Golf) and August 12th (Golf Classic at Timberlin) to benefit the Ryan T. Lee Foundation.... Click for more information.
The Archdiocese of Hartford has provided an update on the 'Stewards for Tomorrow' pastoral planning process. (Similar updates can be expected in the coming months as the Archdiocese moves forward in this effort.) Click for details
College student Send-Off Dinner.... Planning underway for parish activities in the fall... World Youth Day event nearby... NBCCW trip to shrine in MA... Bible study classes in the area... Benefit dinner for Christian refugees in Bloomfield... lots more...
The Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson asks for all people of goodwill to join in praying a novena for peace by praying St. Francis of Assisi’s “Prayer for Peace” from July 14 to 22. Click for the news article...
The Capital Campaign Memorial Plaques and Pavers are being sent to the engraver this week. It is essential for us to have everyone complete the forms by the end of business Monday Julty 11th or your gift might not be recognized
Save the Date for our Grads & College-Student Picnic...Summer Camp field trips... Religious Ed office closed for July... Rosary on the 13th... Job postings... click for all the info in this week's bulletin...
Please join the Italian Night Committee for a planning session on July 12th at 7pm! Volunteers are needed to ensure that this popular event will continue to be a great success! Click for details...
The date is set for the Annual Parish Picnic! A planning meeting will be held on July 13th at 7pm, and we welcome all who are willing and able to help! Click for details...
In celebration of World Youth Day, all youth in grades 7-12 are invited to a program sponsored by the Youth Ministry program at St. Mary's in Portland on July 23rd. Click for details....
Thanks to all who prayed with us this weekend with the relics of St. Maximilian Kolbe here at St. Paul Church. Click to learn more about this inspiring Saint, patron of prisoners, journalists, families, the pro-life movement, and the chemically addicted...