Fr. Charles' 50th Anniversary will be celebrated at the 12pm Mass with reception to follow... Awards for some of our high school students and religious ed teachers... Summer schedule and dates to save for the Fall... Boiler update... lots more. Click for all the news.
Fr. Charles will be celebrating his 50th year on SUNDAY, JULY 1st with a Mass at 12 o'clock. The parish is invited to join Fr. Charles at Mass, followed by a light reception in the church hall from 1:00—2:30 pm.
Due to the rain, the high school youth group will NOT be playing mini golf. We will be bowling at Lucky Lanes instead. Meet us there at 7pm! Bring a friend! (1782 Berlin Turnpike, Berlin, CT 06037)
Our parish app is free, and summer is a great time to try it out. There are lots of great features including one that can help you find a Catholic Church and Mass times where ever your travels take you. It includes prayers, resources, news and more. Click for details...
God bless all of our fathers and those who serve as father-figures in our lives. Happy Father's Day 2018. Click for all the news and photos in this week's bulletin...
Our Children's Rosary Group will meet on SATURDAY, JULY 14TH at 10am at Sacred Heart Church. Join us to pray the rosary with your children and with other families in the parish. The group will not meet in August. The regular schedule will resume in September - first Saturday of each month at 10am. Click for more information...
2018 Summer Camp is open from June 25th through August 17th. Ages 3-13. All are welcome! Before and After Care available. Call 860-828-4343, email [email protected] or click for more info.
Fr. Robert back from vacation... Memorial Day photos... First Friday Breakfast... Archbishop's Annual Appeal... Pieta railing ... Youth Ministry events! Click for all the news.