Saint Paul School Golf Tournament... FoodShare Update... Scripture Study invitation... SPS Mum Sale... Volunteers Needed for Parish Picnic and Berlin Fair.... Guess who will be in the Dunk Tank?
The Pro-Life Ministry at the Archdiocese of Hartford will host a 40 Days for Life Planning Meeting on Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Franciscan Life Center, 275 Finch Avenue, Meriden, CT. Come see how you can help with this important campaign.
Your feedback is needed! As an Archdiocese: What are we doing well? What are we not doing so well? What are we not doing that we should be? Click for details...
Have you considered joining a scripture study group? Join us on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH for an informational meeting about our upcoming Scripture Study groups. It's easy, spiritually invigorating and fun! Click for details...
Listening Session... New parishioners photo... Religious Ed start dates... SEEK Youth Conference... Elijah Cup Ministry... Bereavement support group... click for all the news in this week's bulletin!
Join the fun! Volunteer at our Food Booth and receive a free ticket to the Berlin Fair! An important VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION will be held on site at the Berlin Fair Sacred Heart booth on Wednesday, 9/12 at 6:00 pm. Click to visit our 2018 Berlin Fair page for all the info!
Our 2018 Raffle was a great success! THANK YOU to all who supported this important fundraiser for our parish and school. Click to see the names of the winners...