The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord... The Feast of Saint Blaise... Candlemas... Scripture Study Info Session... March for Life pics... Youth Ministry schedule... lots more. Click for all the news.
The Catholic Graduates Club of Greater Hartford will award three scholarships to Catholic students who are high school seniors and who plan to attend a four year college in the Fall of 2020. Click for details and an application on the Catholic Graduates Club website.
National Day of Prayer... SPS Open House... A Note from Our Music Director... Hot Stuff Collection... New Session for That Man Is You... March for Life... lots more. Click for all the news!
Baptism pics... Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest Feb. 9th... SPS Open House and Pancake Breakfast Sunday, January 26th... New TMIY Semester beginning... March for Life... click for all the news.
Join us for the 2020 March For Life on Friday, January 24, 2020 in Washington DC. The Hartford Archdiocese Pro-Life Ministry is sponsoring a bus trip to the March. Click for all the details and contact Mark and Mary-Jane with any questions at 860-666-0162.
Fr. Peter begins his sabbatical... Blessing of Homes... Christmas Memorials... College Dinner next week... SPS Open House... Blessed Is She meeting... Unplanned movie... click for all the news!