The scammers are at it again! If you receive an email from Fr. Michael or one of our friars asking you to reply to the email or to take any action (such as purchase gift cards, etc.), please call the office to let us know and DO NOT reply to that email. Our friars will never email you individually asking for money or for you to take action. Click to read more about how to spot a scam..
Trunk O' Treat this Saturday! Italian Night tickets on sale. Sign up your college student to receive a Care Package! Volunteer Appreciation Open House on Oct. 27. Lots more. Click for all the news....
Tickets for our annual Italian Night will go on sale Tuesday, October 1st. Join us for this fun evening and help support our Youth Ministry program. Click for all the details and to purchase tickets...
Saturday, Oct. 12 at 12pm on the Parish Green. PLEASE JOIN US to pray the Rosary for America, for peace in the world and for the respect and protection of all human life.
St. Paul Parish is seeking applications for the position of Parish Manager. The Parish Manager oversees the finances, physical plant, and Human Resource functions of the St. Paul Parish and School. Click to read the full job description and requirements...
Our 40 Days for Life campaign includes a full day of Eucharistic Adoration on MONDAY, OCT. 14,, beginning after the 7:30am Mass and concluding at 7:30 pm in St. Paul Church. Please join us. Click for the signup sheet...
Thanks to all who came to the Blessing of Animals on Saturday! This annual event is held near the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi due to his special appreciation for all of God's creation, including the animal population. Click to see photos...
Join us on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 after the Noon Mass, during our Saint Francis Weekend, for our 3rd Annual FRIAR 4 MILER! This event includes a walk, run or bike around the neighborhoods near St. Paul Church AND a Gathering on the Green with games, food and LIVE MUSIC! Click for all the details...