Join us for the 75th Anniversary of the Berlin Fair! Many volunteers are needed to help with our two food booths at the Fair. Click for details and to sign up!
The process to nominate and select members of the St. Paul Pastoral Council will begin during the weekend of September 7/8 and will conclude in November. Who can be on the Council? What is the selection process? Click to learn more!
Women of Faith will kick off their 4th year at St. Paul's on Thursday, September 12th at 7:00 pm in the
St. Paul Church Hall. Bring a friend and join us as we share our faith, friendship and fellowship. Click for details...
The annual Connecticut Catholic Men's Conference will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21st at Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford. The event includes Mass, Eucharist Procession, Adoration, Confession, Exhibitors, Speakers, Lunch and a Gift bag. CLICK FOR ALL THE DETAILS AND TO GET YOUR TICKETS...
Our Fall 2024 Scripture Study program will begin during the week of September 9th! If you missed our Information Meeting (Aug. 27), click to learn more about this inspiring ministry ... All are welcome!
Middle School & High School students are invited to join St. Paul Youth Ministry on September 22nd for the biggest event of the fall! Check out the article for all of the details!
Middle School & High School students are invited to join St. Paul Youth Ministry on September 22nd for the biggest event of the fall! Check out the article for all of the details!
Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Were you or someone you know baptized Catholic but never received 1st Communion and Confirmation? Click for info on our OCIA program which begins in October 2024...
Assumption of the Blessed Mother... Feast of St. Clare... Steubenville Testimony... RCIA and Adult Confirmation Program info... Retreats Nearby... Ladies' Guild Meeting... lots more. Click for all the news.