The Presentation of the Lord, World Day for Consecrated Life, Blessing of Throats, Job Posting, Welcome Patrick Hyjek... lots more. Click for all the news.
ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: You are invited to submit your favorite Bible Verse or Psalm for our Bible Verse Project. Our Women of Faith group is creating a beautiful booklet that includes all of these verses and psalms along with the testimonies you submit explaining why the verse/psalm resonates with you in a special way. All parishioners are invited to join in this new project and help foster a stronger sense of community in our parish through our relationship with God. CLICK FOR DETAILS..
Thank you to Fr. Anthony for visiting our parish, speaking at all weekend Masses and meeting with our Confirmation students! Click here to view the recording of the 9am Mass. Fr. Anthony's homily starts at the 18:25 mark.
Our friends at the American Legion host a Coffee with Veterans event on the first Saturday of each month from 9-11 am. Next date is Saturday, Feb. 1. Click on the image for details.
The Baptism of the Lord... Lots happening this weekend on our campus and our ministries are starting up again as the new year gets underway. Click for details on our Youth Ministry Kick Off Event, Knights Free Throw Championship, Children's Mass, and lots more.
A national '9 Days for Life' Novena for the protection of human life will be prayed from January 16-24, 2025. Please join in this special prayer for the protection of all human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. Click for details...
The 2025 March for Life will be held on January 23-24, 2025. Join the Archdiocese of Hartford’s pilgrimage to our nation’s capitol to witness to the dignity of every human person. Click for details and registration information....
All men of the parish are invited to attend an "ACTS" Men's Retreat Weekend from Thursday, January 30 through Sunday, February 2, 2025. Consider taking advantage of this opportunity to renew yourself spiritually, to strengthen your faith, and to create lasting friendships. Click for all the detais...