Deadline is November 15th for applications for the HomeFront project - free home repair assistance available to low income homeowners in our community. Click for the application and more info!
Our Social Action Ministry's Thanksgiving Food Collection continues through Nov. 2nd! Volunteers are also needed to help pack up the donated food. Please click for more information...
THANK YOU to all of the wonderful 2018 HomeFront volunteers who helped a local military veteran with home repairs and yard work on Saturday, May 5th...
Donations Needed! Our Social Action Ministry is collecting items for the Prudence Crandall Center in New Britain which provides services for victims of domestic violence. Collection will run through MARCH 25th. Click to view the list of requested items including diapers, blankets and more...
We received many Thank You notes from those who received gifts from your generous support of the Angel Tree program at Christmastime. Take a moment to read these heartfelt notes of thanks...
The Thanksgiving Food Collection will continue through FRIDAY, NOV. 10th. The goal is to have enough donations for 30 families. Please prayerfully consider donating so that together, we may exceed this goal. Items may be placed in the entryways at St. Paul Church (old or new wing). Click for more information and a list of SUGGESTED ITEMS.
Please consider joining us on OCT. 22nd in raising funds for the Berlin Food Pantry. This fun annual event provides much-needed help to the hungry in our community. Click for all the details..
The HomeFront organization provides quality of life repairs for local homeowners with significant financial limitations. Next year’s HomeFront Day will be Saturday May 5th, 2018. Applications are now being accepted. Click for all the details.
Members of the Social Action Committee will be having a meeting on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th at 7 PM in the Church Hall to discuss the FoodShare program sponsored by Sacred Heart Church. All are welcome. Please prayerfully consider becoming part of this wonderful program.
Members of the Social Action Committee will be having a meeting on Monday, June 12th at 7pm in the Church Hall to discuss the Food Share program sponsored by Sacred Heart Church. All are welcome! Please prayerfully consider becoming part of this wonderful program.
There's a nice article in the New Britain Herald about the HomeFront project that took place on Saturday, May 6th. Click to read the article and see the photos. THANKS to all who volunteered!
HomeFront project will take place this Saturday, May 6th. If you'd like to help with this one-day home improvement project, please contact our Social Action Committee. Click for details...
Please consider donating needed items to the St. Agnes Home and Prudence Crandall Center during the Lenten Collection sponsored by our Social Action Committee. Click to view the items most needed...
The Social Action Committee would like to thank all those who donated items needed by the Friendship Service Center. Due to your generosity, approximately 120 bags were donated! The Friendship Center staff is very grateful for the support and would like to thank everyone from St. Paul Parish. GOD BLESS YOU for such a great response during this time of need.
This Sunday, Feb. 12th, is the last day of the "Hot Stuff" collection sponsored by our Social Action Committee. Donated items will help feed the hungry at the Friendship Center in New Britain. Every little bit helps! Click for details and the list of requested items...
The Angel Tree is a wonderful tradition here at St. Paul Church. Thank you to all who took an Angel from the tree! Please return gifts by Dec. 11th. Click for details...
THANK YOU for your continued donation of food items for local families in need. The Thanksgiving Food Collection will continue through November 11th and the FOOD PACKING event will be on November 12th. CLICK HERE for details and to SIGN UP TO HELP WITH FOOD PACKING!
Join us for the Hunger Walk to benefit the Berlin Food Pantry. The Social Action Committee sponsors this event to raise awareness and to raise funds for those in need. Registration begins at 1:30pm in the Saint Paul School Gym. The walk (to Berlin Congregational Church and back) starts at 2pm. Click for the SignUp form...