St. Paul Online Giving Help | |
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Click on the logo to sign up ... |
Step 1: Click the Online Giving logo below, and then select the "Create New Account" link
Step 2: Create your Login ID and password. You will need to create a User ID and Password. The User ID must be 6-12 characters and contain both letters and numbers (for example, "smith78"). The password you choose must be 8-16 characters and contain letters, numbers and at least one symbol such as !, @, & or * (for example, "testing123!"). You do not enter information for the Registration Code. (That is for account administrators only).
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Step 3:Next fill in your Personal Information and Address Information. The e-mail address must be unique. You cannot use the same e-mail address for two different User IDs. Be sure to enter information in all boxes marked with a red asterisk *. You do not need to put anything in the registration code. When you click the Submit button, an e-mail will be sent to you confirming your new account, your User ID and Password.
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Step 4: Confirm your new account. The e-mail you receive will be similar to the one shown below. You must click on the link at the top of the e-mail to confirm your account before you can log in to your account. (If the link does not work, copy and paste it into the browser’s address bar.) This is one of the many security functions to make sure that you did indeed create this account.
Sample Email Text you will receive
Thank you for creating a new Online Giving Account. To confirm your new account, please click the following link:
(Click on the line above if it does not work copy and paste into your browser's address bar)
Once confirmed, you may log into your account using the user id testuser123 and the password you selected when registering
Thank You...
St. Paul Church Kensington CT
[email protected] or [email protected]
Step 5:Continue setting up your account. You will need to enter information regarding the bank account or credit/debit card you wish to use for your donations. Once that information is entered, you can then set up donations for the Sunday Collection and the other funds listed on the site. There are videos at the bottom of this page which can walk you through these last few steps.
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Step 1: Click the Online Giving logo below or on the Parish Home Page, then enter your User ID and Password in the "Existing User Login" section.
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