Mark Duplin 860-666-0162 [email protected]
Mary-Jane Duplin 860-666-0162 [email protected]
Rachel's Vineyard Weekends for Healing After Abortion
If you are suffering from an abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ on a Rachel's Vineyard Retreat weekend.
Ocean of Mercy Healing After Abortion
Have you suffered an abortion? Experience God's love and mercy and begin the journey of healing.
Please call the Sisters of Life at 860-575-0075 or email [email protected].
For men, please contact Theresa Bonopartis at Lumina #877-586-4621 or email her at [email protected].
The Sisters of Life host monthly Days of Prayer and Healing, monthly Gatherings, and Hope and Healing Weekend Retreats. These events are opportunities to experience the loving mercy of God in a safe and sacred space. Visit the Sisters of Life website for more information.